MadLib Lifestyle


Wiscoy Falls

My Favorite Places

There are a few places I have been that have really stuck with me. I absoltely love waterfalls so Tequamenon falls (Michigan) and Wiscoy falls (New York) have to be my favorite visits. There is something so perfect about waterfalls. I also love Mackinac and of course Universal Studios, but nature always wins in my book!

My Wishlist

Italy Italy Food

As much as I would like to say I've traveled to lots of different places I haven't. However, it is on my bucket list to make it to all 50 states by the time I die. Can you belive I've never even been to Canada when I live so close? The one place I want to visit more than anything though is Italy. I mean just think of all the good food and sights! I included some photos of some other places I want to visit as well :)